Friday, June 26, 2015

Public Building Boom In Homestead. By Geniusofdespair

Homestead Gets a Makeover! Lipstick on a pig.

Not to be outdone by the Taj Mahal in India or the Rotunda (U.S. Capital Building) in Washington, D. C., Hudstead has built itself a miniature combination of both. Their City Hall reflects just about nothing that Homestead stands for, it is architecture run amok. I was expecting something more with the rodeo look for Homestead not doric columns and a rotunda. Let me tell you something Homesteaders: Ayn Rand would be very upset if she were alive to see this City Hall of yours. As an Ayn Rand aficionado, Former Lynda Bell must hate this City Hall building. I hope you all note that Munilla Construction appears to be building it.

Washington DC Rotunda.

More in line with the Homestead tradition of Architecture is their version of the space needle or the Washington Monument, except theirs is ugly. Will there be stairs to climb? Where do you tie up your horse? I suppose the private investor mentioned is Wayne Rosen. Who else?

Homesteaders are such good sports. I am sure they are laughing about these projects.

It says it is the library, but I was in a building like this as their current city hall. One square building looks like the next. Now they will have a round one!
They are also rebuilding the police station and finally finishing the century old renovation of the Seminole theatre (seems like a century -- it has been going on forever.)

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