Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Miami Dade County UDB Line UNDER ATTACK from 3 Applications. By Geniusofdespair

The May CDMP (Comprehensive Development Master Plan) Cycle has the UDB Line Under attack from 3 Applications -- the most we have had in years. Scroll in each one to the end to see the maps of where they are. Lets put more people out West where they can stand still in mind numbing traffic during their hours of commute and be a neighbor to the Everglades bitching about animals, mosquitos and burns, and lets especially hope they enjoy the flooding to come.

Application 6 (least offensive - sounds like a fix to a change)

Application 7
Bullshit name: Green city. Are they nuts? This application is 121 page.

Application 8

This is who the Neighborhood Planning Company consists of:
Title MGR
Title MGR
Title MGR

They want to incorporate this one into a separate city!!!!! See Page 2 Number 4. See ownership percentages all the way at the end. Rodney Barreto owns a bit of it.

What does Tropical Audubon Society have to say:

NEWSFLASH! 2 New UDB Extension Applications Filed!

The first, to include 859 acres (gross acreage) west of 167th Avenue and East of Krome Avenue between SW 64th Street and North Kendall Drive:

* Redesignate "Parcel A" To industrial and Office and Parcel B to business and office.
* Adopt "Green City Miami" as a land use category. Change the Land use map designation for this area from agriculture to "Green City Miami"
* Designate new Metropolitan and Community Urban Centers in this area
* Expand roadways on segments of 72nd street and 167th avenue to make for greater accessibility
* Amend LU-8F, Introduce LU-8J, 8J would allow TOV's to reserve UDB capacity for an additional five years (after the extension to 20 proposed in the 8F amendment) so long as the development incorporates specific and significant commitments to achieve public policies. Puts limits on amount of future capacity that can be reserved by all TOV's throughout county (individually 10%, overall 30%)

The second, to include approximately 61.1 acres located in section 31 Township 54 South, Range 39 east on the south east corner of the intersection of SW177Ave SW 88th street from agricultural use to half industrial / half residential use.

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