Friday, June 5, 2015

It is time for every state legislator to be held accountable for doing Big Sugar's bidding ... by gimleteye

Attack Mailer by Everglades Trust
Big Sugar has proven, time and time again, that it has no intention of any compromise in its practice to make as much money as quickly as possible from land its agricultural practices are exhausting. In the effort to balance the needs of the environment, public drinking water and public health, Big Sugar never was a fair player. So citizens are going to have to take the fight directly to elected officials who have gotten a free pass by voters. It hasn't worked before, but with each passing year the stakes are higher.

Call you state legislator and tell him or her that weaseling out of full commitment to purchase sugar lands with Amendment 1 funds is going to cost them their political careers.

Everglades Trust launches attack mailers
Palm Beach Post, Christine Stapleton
June 5, 2015

The Everglades Trust has taken a page from the playbook of nasty political campaigns my mailing attack ads targeting lawmakers who it claims are hypocrites and have not done enough for Everglades restoration.Jacobs2

The negative mailers are targeting legislators on the direct impacts in their districts, such as toxic algae, while hitting others on what the trust calls hypocrisy.
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