Thursday, June 18, 2015

Keep Sending in Your Tennis Court Photos!

We’re one week into our tennis court photo contest, and as seen from this picture, Heidi is *thoroughly* enjoying your submissions and *eagerly* waiting for more!


Why should I send you a tennis court photo?

Because if your photo wins you’ll get a FREE tennis lesson, which would be awesome. Obvi.

Is a dog really going to be the judge of this contest?

With her keen photographer’s eye, Heidi would no doubt be an excellent judge for this competition, however, we’re leaving it up to you the people to decide the winner. On July 1, we’ll post an album to Facebook with all the contest entries and the photo that has the most likes by July 8 will win.

Is there a deadline to submit?

Why yes, thank you for asking. We’re accepting entries until June 30, so hop to it!

What’s Heidi’s email address?

You can send all tennis court photos to Heidi’s assistant, Avery, at Be sure to include your first and last name along with the name and location of the court.

The post Keep Sending in Your Tennis Court Photos! appeared first on The MyTennisLessons Blog.

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