Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My Candidate TED CRUZ for President: Don't Count Him Out. By Geniusofdespair

Ted Cruz says: "My Peeps!"

Sanity has never been a requirement of any candidate in the Republican Party. I love crazy-zany and Ted Cruz fits that bill. He collects the certifiable nutzoids of the party.

Why is he so attractive a candidate to me? Because America deserves him, at least most of America. We have to blast our country with the most absurd to fix it. This guy will make Rick Scott seem sane and liberal at the same time.

It is really too bad Sarah Palin isn't running. She would have also fit the bill and she would have had a better chance.

Ted has been called angry and self-righteous by the liberal media (damn them). To me he is a conservative martyr. I love the guy and think he will serve our country's nuts to the best of his ability. Funny that he doesn't even embarrass the Republicans. They are embarrassment proof with their candidates...no one is too crazy to run under their banner. They are all inclusive. If the candidate is not in jail and they are not gay, they are welcome in the Grand Old Party. So here is to you Ted Cruz: The best damn candidate the Republicans have for 2016. You have my vote.

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