Monday, April 13, 2015

It Looks Like ONE Mayor Cares About the Sugar Land Deal. By Geniusofdespair

City of Miami Tomás Regalado uses the Bully Pulpit for good. In a letter to the Miami Herald printed Sunday April 12 he said:
I want to honor the memory of Miami resident Marjory Stoneman Douglas, who was a staunch advocate and defender of the Everglades. She would have been 125 years old on April 7.

On behalf of the city of Miami and its more than 400,000 residents, I recently wrote letters to Gov. Rick Scott, Florida Senate President Andy Gardiner and Florida House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, detailing my strong support for the acquisition of land currently under option within the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) before the option expires in October.

The University of Florida Senate Report on sending water south identified the need for additional water storage south of Lake Okeechobee to significantly reduce the volumes of polluted water entering the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers; and, most important, recommended that the state acquire land within the EAA on which it already has an option.

As a public servant, I know the importance of listening to the constituents’ concerns, especially on issues like these, which have such widespread and damaging effects. I know the governor, Senate president and House speaker can identify with this as well. We must do everything in our power to put an end to the wasteful and harmful practice of discharging fresh water to tide.
Some politicians age well. That appears to be the case here.

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