James Jude is considered the father of CPR and he was a brilliant heart surgeon. However to us at the Urban Environment League he was so much more. He was a tireless advocate to make our community better. Jim was a long time Board Member of the UEL.
I call him crusty but he would call me the same. I remember the day he told off George Burgess in his office when he was County Manager. Jim always told it like he saw it. Jim was so caring, so smart. I am honored to have known him. The passing of Jim Jude is a loss for us all in Miami Dade County and
apparently all those who were saved by CPR:Before Jude’s brainstorm, which led to hundreds of scientific articles and two of his books, including Fundamentals of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, patients were out of luck until they reached a hospital. There, before CPR, doctors had to slit the chest to manually massage the heart to try and get it beating again
James Jude on left. |
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/obituaries/article29237104.html#storylink=cpy
Lifetime Achievement Award given to Sallye and Jim Jude. His wife Sallye was the founding President of the League. |
Jim Lived in the 'Java House' in Coral Gables on a canal. The home was named for the theme of the murals on the dining hall's walls. They held many fundraisers at their home. |
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