Thursday, March 26, 2015

What Are Pinky Munz and Wayne Rosen Up To with this PAC? By Geniusofdespair

Munz is the $5,000 and Rosen is the $20,000 in Moving Forward PC.
Pinky Munz
Wayne Rosen
You always have to keep your eye on Homestead. If you turn your back on Hudstead you never know what will appear.

Also in Homestead:

Farm Share may be forced to end giving food to about 6,200 families and 250 agencies if Miami-Dade Commissioners vote to cut off funding to the nonprofit for the next budget year, which begins Oct. 1.

All they want is money for refrigeration and fuel for their trucks which deliver the perishable donated produce, about $280K. Do you think that is what Munz and Rosen are up to? Helping??

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