Marco Rubio disagrees with Pope Francis.
"Pope Francis announced that caring for the environment should be added to the traditional Catholic works of mercy drawn from the Gospels and Christian tradition, such as feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. In a message released on Thursday, the pontiff noted that it is refugees and the poor who are most impacted by global warming." (Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, Sept. 1 2016)
Marco Rubio doubts climate change science and says there is nothing we can do about man-made climate change.
"Climate change ... is the greatest long-term threat facing the world, as well as a danger already manifesting itself as droughts, storms, heat waves and flooding." (Obama on Climate Change: The Trends Are 'Terrifying', NY Times SEPT. 8, 2016)
Marco Rubio won't meet with climate change scientists.
"When he ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010, Rubio ... stopped talking about green energy and climate and began openly questioning climate science. Miami geologist Harold Wanless, who has modeled sea level rise for local leaders, met Rubio at a fundraiser that year and handed him a letter, signed by scientists, requesting a meeting to brief him on the data. Rubio took the letter but never responded." ("South Florida Is Sinking, Where Is Marco Rubio?", cover story on Newsweek Magazine, Jan. 28, 2016)
In November, Florida voters can respond: no mas, Marco.
"Since the appearance of visible life on Earth, 380 million years had to elapse in order for a butterfly to learn how to fly, 180 million years to create a rose with no other commitment than to be beautiful, and four geological eras in order for us human beings to be able to sing better than birds, and to be able to die from love. It is not honorable for the human talent, in the golden age of science, to have conceived the way for such an ancient and colossal process to return to the nothingness from which it came through the simple act of burning fossil fuels." Adapted from Gabriel Garcia Marquez
"Pope Francis announced that caring for the environment should be added to the traditional Catholic works of mercy drawn from the Gospels and Christian tradition, such as feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. In a message released on Thursday, the pontiff noted that it is refugees and the poor who are most impacted by global warming." (Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, Sept. 1 2016)
Marco Rubio doubts climate change science and says there is nothing we can do about man-made climate change.
"Climate change ... is the greatest long-term threat facing the world, as well as a danger already manifesting itself as droughts, storms, heat waves and flooding." (Obama on Climate Change: The Trends Are 'Terrifying', NY Times SEPT. 8, 2016)
Marco Rubio won't meet with climate change scientists.
"When he ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010, Rubio ... stopped talking about green energy and climate and began openly questioning climate science. Miami geologist Harold Wanless, who has modeled sea level rise for local leaders, met Rubio at a fundraiser that year and handed him a letter, signed by scientists, requesting a meeting to brief him on the data. Rubio took the letter but never responded." ("South Florida Is Sinking, Where Is Marco Rubio?", cover story on Newsweek Magazine, Jan. 28, 2016)
In November, Florida voters can respond: no mas, Marco.
"Since the appearance of visible life on Earth, 380 million years had to elapse in order for a butterfly to learn how to fly, 180 million years to create a rose with no other commitment than to be beautiful, and four geological eras in order for us human beings to be able to sing better than birds, and to be able to die from love. It is not honorable for the human talent, in the golden age of science, to have conceived the way for such an ancient and colossal process to return to the nothingness from which it came through the simple act of burning fossil fuels." Adapted from Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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