Comcast is so inferior to Atlantic Broadband. SOOOO INFERIOR. Maybe our 5,762,000 page views will at least make Comcast take a look at their model with service calls and showing up -- which stinks.
Not only does Comcast Xfinity LIE. They Lie. We caught them in 1/2 a dozen lies. 2 we have on tape. And of course they don't show up for service calls. I stayed home for 3 service calls. Never showed.
I got this message yesterday: "They will be there in 20 minutes at about 4:40." Then about 4:30 we got a voicemail that said they were there but the building wouldn't let them, because on Friday after 4, Saturday, and Sunday trucks are not allowed in. Hah, I didn't believe them. I walked to the guard booth and asked the guard why we weren't called when Comcast Xfinity came. He said they were never here. He did say there was one Comcast Xfinity truck today. He said that truck was servicing another condo (it was 5:30). The Guard said the condo has no such weekend rule for Comcast Xfinity if the customer is home. None.

The Guard said before becoming a Guard he was a Comcast Xfinity installer. The Guard said there is a scam at Comcast Xfinity with the installers. He said first they call you a couple of times (which they did but no one was on the line when we answered). Then they say you weren't home and then you are rescheduled by an automated voice with a random appointment. Meanwhile, you have been sitting there like a jerk for 3 hours and the NEW random appointment is a week out.
We also got a call from a garbled guy from dispatch who gave us a different story: They had an emergency and they were canceling our appointment. Then you couldn't understand anything he had to say. We got disconnected a bunch of times from Comcast. Twice while making an appointment.
In one of the other cases, I was here for 3 hours no one ever showed. I called and they said I had no appointment. They insisted. Only thing is, I had a voicemail of the appointment time and date and the guy talking who scheduled it. The Comcast Agent wouldn't listen to it. In the first case, they just never showed up.
Will 4 times be the Comcast Charm? Fuck Comcast the worst company ever. I have spent 9 hours waiting for them so far. The part I hate: The lies.